Some years ago...
I took a dark room film class at The Southwest School of Arts. While in this class I learned so much about film photography, & more specifically about the art of printing/print making. A majority of the people in the class were older folks who seemed to routinely take this class, it was incredible to see up close the techniques of so many masters of their craft.
Although the class was solely dedicated to black & white photography, one of the students also used the lab to develop their color film as well, and while that is great, unfortunately one day all of the chemicals in the lab were cross-contaminated. This also happened around the time that I got brave and decided to develop 3 rolls of film all at once in one tank. As soon as I saw what happened to my film, I was so confused, in fact, the teacher was so convinced that I had developed color film and not black & white film. At the time I was quite new to developing my own black and white film, and really just film photography all together; however, I was not that much of a rookie that I could not distinguish between color film and black & white film -- I do know how to read, I'm not that careless. Other than being offended that the teacher did not believe me until other folks film developed came out the same way that mine did. Honestly, I have to say, I was pretty devastated, with film, there is no going back & capturing those moments again. I do have to say, there was nothing terribly important on those rolls, but considering all of the time you spend working on a roll of film & not to mention the amount of time that it takes to develop the film yourself, it's a quite tedious process. Unfortunately that class ended shortly after that incident, so I never had the chance to actually make any prints from that roll.
Other than making physical prints of your film, another really fun aspect of shooting film is scanning the film into your computer and digitizing that film. Back in 2018, I was pretty raw when it came to scanning in film as well. Truthfully, there is an art to shooting film, developing film & even scanning film in. I would say that now, 4 years later I do have a strong grasp on scanning film in, but back in 2018, I had no idea what I was doing. So, fast forward to now, I've recently been going back and scanning in old rolls of film, so once I stumbled upon this roll, I was hopeful that I would be able to yield the results that I've grown accustomed to, and, luckily, through my dedication to the craft, I was quite satisfied with the results. I owe much of the success to my film scanner & the software I use to convert my negatives into digital files called Negative Lab Pro. I do plan on doing an extensive writeup on my film scanner, my process for scanning in film & lastly my process with the plugin Negative Lab Pro.
For now, enjoy the results & don't hesitate to reach out to me via email, or instagram if you have any questions regarding scanning film.
P.S. These photos are extra grainy due to the cross-contamination of chemicals.