February 4, 2022

Kodak Ultramax: Spring 2021

Film Photography

Photowalk Downtown

Last spring, I moved downtown and truthfully, I feel like this move has changed so much about my life. I highly recommend living downtown at least one time in your life. After years of living on the periphery of downtown I felt like it was time to take the plunge and move downtown.

It took me about a year to finally feel comfortable enough to publish this post. I'd say for the past year I've been perfecting my technique when it comes to scanning in 35mm film. I've tried numerous techniques and I have finally settled upon the technique that works best for. Also, over the past year I've abandoned shooting film altogether, it's such a love hate relationship. There have been other times when all I want to do is shoot film only, it's such a love/hate relationship, and depending on the mood I'm in, there's no telling how I feel about the format. Well, here's the first roll from my first walkabout downtown, enjoy!